A Referral Network for Mission-Driven Thought Leaders at 6 and 7 Figures

Grow Your Business with Referrals & Partnerships

Without Transactional Swaps, Weird Group Fees or Time-Wasting Meetings

So You Can Make the Impact You're Born to Make and

Join a Powerful Team of Soul-Aligned Allies

"Referrals convert 3-5x higher than any other marketing channel"

Source: Annex Cloud

Sebastian Cruze

7 Year Mastermind Leader

15+ Million Generated for Clients Through Passive Income Systems

○ Undercover Healer

The Mission

Uniting Thought Leaders to help

make USA #1 in wealth & health

They say wait for politicians to save the day…

we say Thought Leaders pave the way.

The Vision

Be the next generation of global Thought Leaders,

working together to impact 1 Billion People by 2050 AD

so we can work towards a Prosperous Planet by 2100 AD

The Values

We focus on creating True Freedom for ourselves and others

so that you can have the time and money to do what you love and

make the impact that lights you up


We 80/20 the 80/20

Heart-Centered Leadership

We Lead by Example


We Win Together

The Culture

Who We Are For and Who We Are Not For

Who We Are For

  • Spiritually Connected: You care about your true calling and utilize tools like Soul Contract, Human Design, Gene Keys, David Hawkins Scale of Consciousness (Power vs Force) or meditation

  • Clear Niche: You are clear on your niche (easy to refer)

  • Clear Customer: Within your niche, you're clear on who you serve (easy to refer)

  • Politics: You believe in freedom and the founding principles of the United States of America and while you may not agree with other people's political views, you still respect their right to have their own opinion as a fellow citizen of our country

  • Ego: You've already had your "fall"... or maybe a few! So you've come to realize that life is a team sport and you've had enough of the "rank games" and know collaboration as equals is the only way (we've all done big things on our own... yet it's just a tiny fraction of what we can accomplish together)

Who We Are Not For

  • No Spirituality: You are allergic to words like true calling, soul, spiritual, meditation, purpose, passion or raising consciousness

  • No Niche: You are in many niches (hard to refer)

  • No Customer Focus: You serve many types of people and don't like choosing one type (hard to refer)

  • "Us vs Them" Politics: You believe the "other side" is always wrong (no matter what side you're on!) and you judge and criticize anyone who doesn't hold your same views. Instead of seeing people as fellow Americans with an opinion... you see people as "friend or foe" based on their political label

  • Big Ego: You love nothing more than the sound of your own voice and feel the need to always tell everyone how awesome you are (we get it bro, you've done big things... so has everyone else in the network 😉 )

The Method

How We Work Together

Increase Your Leads, Sales and Audience

☀️ Podcast Interviews

☀️ Social Media Cross Promotions (LinkedIn, Instagram, FB, YouTube, X, Tik Tok)

☀️ Direct Referrals Through 3-Way Email Introductions

☀️ Build Referral Channels in People's Programs

☀️ Find Synergistic Providers to Help Your Clients Get Even Better Results

☀️ Co-Host Events Together

☀️ Email List Mailings

The Value

For Your Business

The Goal is to Add at Least an 

Extra $100,000 to Your Business


Grow Your Business


or $250 /week for the year

  • 1 Monthly Call: a 60 minute call filled with 3 rounds of breakout rooms so you can connect, collaborate, speak and share with fellow Dream Team Members (the call is not a one person, monologue webinar lol)

  • 1 Private Mastermind Community: online community area with gamification, members rewards where everyone posts each month what they are looking for referrals for so that we can have a constant flow of lead, sales and collaborations that you can reliable grow your business upon and feel peaceful, stable and strong with your business

  • 1 Course: so you can maximize your referrals from your current clients and maximize your referrals from Dream Team Members. There is no fluff here... super distilled to leverage your time (course coming soon)

  • Simple ROI Tracking: making sure you make your money back as soon as possible and then we keep stacking gains from there! Tracking is not to collect fees or commissions... your membership covers the program so tracking is to gamify and crowdsource what is working together as a team so we can maximize those referral techniques, channels and strategies

  • Exclusive Dream Team Opportunities: members regularly give special discounts, bonuses, tickets, programs or access to Dream Team Members (truly worth the price alone in savings)

Inner Circle

Grow Your Community


or $500 /week for the year

Design, Development, Copywriting and Systems Deliverables

  • 2 Mastermind Calls /Month (Inner Circle Only): going deeper on sales, marketing, delivery, operations and systems. These are "true mastermind" sessions where there are multiple rounds of breakout rooms each session so that you have time to speak, share and collaborate with fellow Inner Circle members

  • 2 Subconscious Calls /Month (Inner Circle Only): really the "secret sauce" to the fastest results... a one hour, live session that unblocks your subconscious so you can move with more momentum for your mission

  • 1 Private Mastermind Community Area (Inner Circle Only): using the same community platform so everything is in one place, Inner Circle members have an extra "tab" in the community area to speak, share and collaborate with other Inner Circle members

  • 1 Course: Launch Your Mastermind - How to Launch Your Scalable Mastermind Group in 45 Days without Tech Issues, Employe Headaches or Cringe Social Media

  • 1 Course: Launch Your Mastermind - How to Launch Your Scalable Mastermind Group in 45 Days without Tech Issues, Employe Headaches or Cringe Social Media

  • All Systems, Templates and Checklists: I personally use to lead the Dream Team Network so that you or your VA can use them to scale your mastermind community without tech issues, employee headaches or cringe social media

Plus you get back your time...

because of the doors being opened for you from the Dream Team Network. 

Save time, money and energy from...

unnecessary marketing reach outs,

unnecessary marketing events,

unnecessary marketing employees,

unnecessary marketing ads,

unnecessary marketing funnels,

unnecessary marketing workshops,

unnecessary marketing programs...

and instead grow your business with way more speed, fun and simplicity.

Case Studies

Working With Sebastian

Brent launched with $55k+ in program sales in 90 days

Brent Perkins

Inner Circle Member

10 Year CEO of multiple 8-figure companies

Founder of the 3xBold method for Driven Dads

"Sebastian makes people

super referable."

Bogdan Rosu

Dream Team Member

○ Mastermind Leader of 6 & 7 figure business owners

○ Serving clients doing up to $240 million /year

"Sebastian makes everything so

smooth, easy and effortless."

Matthew Cooke

Dream Team Member

Certified 100+ somatic coaches in his B3 Method

Clients from SpaceX, Google, Apple, X/Twitter, Slack

$10k Bonus

Included with Your Membership

Directory Listing

Being a Featured in Our "Gold Book" of Experts

So that you can effortlessly receive referrals and collaboration requests... even if you aren't able to make the live call.

You are listed with your Niche/Expertise and a description, plus your social media and contact links.

That way when members come across people, clients or potential JV partners that are looking for your services... they can introduce you to them.

Why $10,000 Value?

Because people have said they'd like to join just to be in the directory alone.

If you received even just one aligned joint venture partner from the directory... what would that be worth for you?

How would your business grow with even just one aligned joint venture partner... what would it do for your mission and for the people you care about most?

$25k Bonus

Included with Your Membership

Facilitated Introductions

To "Open the Door" for Your Next Level of Growth

What "door" do you need opened to explode your growth?

- Is it a big podcast feature?

- Or perhaps traffic to your webinar?

- Or perhaps attendees for your live event?

Using Ai + the Directory... our Referral Engine will help match you to the resources and people you need most and then introductions will be made to open the door to your next level of growth.

Saving you so much TIME.

*Note: this can't be forced, which is why it is a bonus. It must be at the right fit for all involved in the introduction. Yet you can be sure the intention and commitment is here because the more we all win together... the more we all win together.

Why $25,000 Value?

Because what is worth for you to have just a few high-ticket clients... coming from The Right Door being "opened" for you?

The Right Door... that puts you on the right stages so your mission and message can receive a stream of new high ticket clients.

Who will you become when your mission and message... breaks through to your next level of powerful impact?

How much respect and love will your loved ones have for you... when your mission and vision breaks through to your next level of service?


Interviews with Dream Team Members

Yanik Silver

Effortless Referrals & Partnerships

for Your Mission

- Generated over $20 million through referrals

- Founder of Maverick1000 Mastermind Community

Nicolas David Ngan

The Soul Signature

for Your Mission

- Best selling author of Your Soul Contract Decoded

- Founder of the Soul Contract Community

Re Perez

Authentic Branding

for Your Mission

- Consulted over 1,000 brands (7, 8 & 9 figure businesses)

- Founder of Branding for the People

Alex Moscow

Selling from Stage

For Your Mission

- Clients have sold over $75 Million from stage

- Creator of the World Class Events Mastermind

Kylie Slavik

Story Marketing

for Your Mission

- Generated over $50 Million for clients w/ story marketing

- Partner at Conscious Marketer

Hannah Chapman

Money Magnetism

For Thought Leaders

- Certified Financial Planner of 17+ years

- Managing $80+ Million in assets & 2,000+ financial plans

Daniel Knight

Consistent Referrals

for Your Mission

- Millions generated for ventures and clients with referrals

- Community Leader of Unicorn Universe

Sly Haché

Finding Your Voice

For Thought Leaders

- Speaking Coach of 15+ years for coaches and TV hosts

- Award Winning and international touring musician

Amy Collette

Consistent Referrals

for Your Mission

- Over 40 authors published

- Founder of Positively Powered Authors community

Aaron Morrison

Turning Anxiety into Power

for Thought Leaders

- Hundreds of clients served

- Creator of Rapid RecalibrationTM

Sage Polaris

Conversational Copywriting

for Your Mission

- Over 475 copywritIng projects completed

- Millions generated for clients in online sales

Sage Polaris (2nd Episode)

Community Leadership

for Your Mission

- 525+ copywritIng projects Completed

- Clients generating up to $1.25 million in a single launch

Wendi Freeman

Event Planning

for Your Mission

- 15+ years of event planning experience

- Impacted 10,000+ attendees through her events

Mara Whitener

Hiring a Community Manager

for Your Mission

- 20+ years in scaling business operations & management

- Started and grew multiple 6-7 figure businesses

Michael Bledsoe

The Mastermind Community for

American Veterans (Case Study)

- Performance Coach for over 16 years

- Founder of Mastermind for American Veterans

Brent Perkins


for Thought Leaders

- 10+ Years as a CEO of multiple 8-Figure Companies

- Founder of the 3xBold method for Driven Dads

Megan Shallow

Social Media

for Thought Leaders

- Founder of BNL Media Consulting

- Managed Social Media Campaigns for 1,000+ Businesses

Ben Schemper

Community Leadership

for Your Mission

- Leader of 200+ transformational events

- Once led a $2.4 million / year mastermind community

Stephanie Trager

Impact Investing

for Your Mission

- Soul Whisperer to world leaders & top executives

- Helping them deploy billions toward aligned impact

Matthew Cooke

Body-Based Breakthroughs

for Thought Leaders

- Certified 100+ Somatic Coaches in his B3 Method

- Clients from SpaceX, Google, Apple, X/Twitter, Slack

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